STILL – The Art of Noticing
On May 23rd, Mary Jo Hoffman will give a presentation to the general membership of the Lake Minnetonka Garden Club on her project STILL, and the transformative power of dailiness. In this presentation, Mary Jo will share how this radical daily incrementalism started as a simple creative challenge, but soon evolved into a way of being in the world that was so life affirming and fulfilling, that she has no desire to stop. Through the challenge of finding a new natural subject to photograph every day, Mary Jo tuned into the minute seasonal changes of her environment. When she learned about the ancient Japanese calendar of 72 micro-seasons, she realized she had tapped into an ancient wisdom about Place that most indigenous cultures once shared. The daily practice of STILL is one example of how we might regain some of this lost knowledge that is so important for our planet at this moment. Mary Jo will also share her new book Still: The Art of Noticing.
Workshop: Forager’s Flatlay Workshop with Mary Jo Hoffman of STILL
As a complement to Mary Jo’s presentation, on June 5th from 1-4 pm she will offer a workshop at her home so that we can select, arrange, photograph, and share original flatlay (overhead still life) compositions of our own creations. First, we will look at several examples of flatlay artistry using natural subjects, analyze them for compositional technique and look for individual inspiration. Mary Jo will share several of the tricks she uses to focus her attention to see beyond the habituated to find compelling subjects. We will be photographing our flatlay compositions with natural light using either iPhones or digital cameras. Finally, for those interested in learning how to achieve Mary Jo’s signature bright background style, she will walk through (in detail) the Photoshop editing steps she uses, and for those who bring their own laptops, she will assist them in bringing at least one or two of their own images to completion.
Register Today
REGISTRATION is now open for the Forager’s Flatlay Workshop with Mary Jo Hoffman (click the link). There are twelve openings for the members-only workshop at a fee of $40. Mary Jo lives on Turtle Lake in Shoreview, MN. We will organize carpooling to the event. If you purchase a ticket and then cannot attend, you may transfer your ticket. Once the workshop fills, contact Anne Kaufman (kaufman@augsburg.edu or 612-209-2100) to be placed on a wait list or for questions.