Welcome to Lake Minnetonka Garden Club
The Lake Minnetonka Garden Club was founded in 1927 and became a valued member of the Garden Club of America (GCA) in 1929. We are among the 200 affiliated GCA Clubs in the United States and one of the two GCA clubs in Minnesota. Our mission is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, horticulture, the art of flower arranging, garden history and design and photography; to restore improve and protect the quality of the environment through action in the field of conservation; and to share the advantages of association by means of educational meetings and civic projects.
The Lake Minnetonka Garden Club gives our support to the Great Healthy Yard Project. The Great Healthy Yard Project is an environmental non-profit organization working to improve and protect the quality of our drinking water in order to help our families lead healthier lives.
Yellow Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Monday as we were working at the Depot Garden we spied this little guy munching away on the Joe Pye Weed….Yes…he is a yellow woolly bear, Spilosoma virginica. He was [...]