Chair Job Description
The Chair shall:
1.Work with the Assistant Program Chair to execute the follow year’s program at the eight monthly Club meetings. This includes:
- procuring speakers and venue
- arranging for AV needs and running AV equipment;
- arranging for food (lunch when necessary)
- parking (valet parking when necessary)
- budgeting and paying all bills and submitting receipts for reimbursement.
2.Provide the meeting information to the LMGC Webmaster/Administrative Assistant for the purpose of sending notices to the Club membership.
3.Maintains an active list of hostesses, assigning and organizing appropriate number of hostesses for each program, including reminder emails and thank you emails. Throughout the year, Chair and Assistant work together in conjunction with assigned meeting hostesses to implement each meeting.
4. Coordinate a program with the St Paul Garden Club and the Wayzata Garden Club, if appropriate, and hold at least one program at the Arboretum.
5.Thank program participants with a written note.
6.When programs for the year are confirmed, send the program schedule to the Zone XI Program Rep. This is essential in order to qualify for Club Insurance Coverage.
The Assistant Chair shall:
- Working with input from the next year’s club President, plan a theme for the following program year that supports the mission of the Club.
- The program year will consist of eight programs including one program specifically pertaining to Conservation and one to Horticulture that are planned with their respective committee chairs.
- Typically the Club has a holiday workshop or other holiday-focused program in November and the Annual Meeting in June.
- Club flower shows and photography shows are encouraged as are programs highlighting Garden History & Design.
- The programs must be planned by no later than May 1 for inclusion in the Club Year Book.
- Oversee hospitality at meetings, providing hostesses for each meeting. Hostesses should be chosen by May 1 for inclusion in the Club Year Book.
- Be responsible for reminder notices to all hostesses.
- For each program meeting:
- Collect rsvps, maintain attendance records and bring to each meeting.
- Maintain nametags and bring to each meeting.
- Collect money per participant fees as needed.
- In consultation with Chair, arrange for valet parking and seating for meetings, when necessary.
- Thank head hostess and site hostess with a written note after each meeting.
May 2018
Year-End Reports
Past Chairs
- Sara Pierson – Current
- Holly Adams
- Mary Meyer
- Dustin Macgregor
- Mary Upjohn
- Emmie Hester
- Mitzi Magid
- Lynda Bodin